Transcript for $590 1000000 Powerball Listing Sold in Florida


Now, to the latest on that winning ticket. Almost $600 million, the largest jackpot in powerball history. Will the lucky winner come forward today?

Abc's steve osunsami is at the florida location where the golden -- platinum ticket was purchased. Good morning, steve. Reporter: Good morning, robin.

People we talk to here at the grocery store and across this community, say this is a small town. And the winner can't hide for long. This is powerball.

Reporter: It's the most valuable winning lotteryket ever winning powerball numr is 11. Reporter: Worth more than $500 million. Who's got it?

Who's the new millionaire? It's a small town and everybody talks. Reporter: State law requires the winner to come out, come out wherever you are, and turn in the winning ticket in person at state lottery headquarters in tallahassee.

Across zephyrhills, florida, where until now, the biggest story was the town's bottled water. The rumor mill is now on fire. I heard a lot of buzz.

Reporter: Was it a grandfather from one of the many senior communities across town? Or a woman with two young children who may have worked at the grocery store where the ticket was sold. At the beauty shop -- they will share.

Reporter: And at the park, they're also trying to figure it out. Whoever it is, I'll be glad to see if we know them or anything like that. Reporter: If the winner says no thanks to the yearly payment option and decides to take the lump sum, you're talking nearly $371 million.

While the lottery withholds 25% to pay federal taxes, the winner here hit a second bit of luck. There's no state tax in florida. Someone could be walking away with somewhere south of $278 million.

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